12 days of Kindness


12 Days of Kindness

1. Send a Christmas card with an extra special message

Did you know we stock a range of charity Christmas Cards? You can buy them directly from us. Visit our Calman centre on the Gartnavel campus at 75 Shelley Rd, Glasgow, G12 0ZE.

2. Donate an auction or raffle prize to our charity

3. Help make dinners and batch freeze for someone who is coping with cancer in their life

4. Say nothing just give someone you know a big hug

5. Ask someone how you can help them

6. While someone is sick look after their pet

7. Adopt a charity of the year not just for Christmas… Sign up for a sponsored challenge, arrange a fundraiser.

8. Check in on a friend or neighbour you know is sick

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

9. Buy a Cancer Support Scotland voucher that pays for a therapy for someone affected by cancer

10. Volunteer for a Cancer Support Scotland event

11. Set up your own facebook giving page instead of asking for gifts

12. Wish everyone you meet a very Merry Christmas.

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