Corporate donations

Donating gifts that we can use to help provide our much needed wellbeing service helps us lower our costs so that more of our money can be spent on helping people who are facing a cancer diagnosis.

Towels* – This can support our Complementary Therapy team to provide relaxing and holistic treatments for people affected by cancer in our Calman Centre.

Stationary & printing – Donations of stationary items will support all our staff and volunteers to do their jobs, while keeping costs down meaning more money can go directly into our services.

Tea, Coffee & Treats – We love welcoming people to our centre with a warm cuppa and a treat, to relax and enjoy in one of our comfy chairs while they wait on their appointment or simply pop in for a chat. We are so grateful for donations of Tea bags, jars of coffee, biscuits and cakes and fruit which keeps our kitchen fully stocked for people affected by cancer who pop in.

Hand wash, Sanitiser & antibacterial wipes or sprays – Hygiene is of the utmost importance to us at Cancer Support Scotland, we want to make sure our staff, volunteers and visitors are as safe as possible and therefore will be increasing the use of sanitising stations throughout our centre as well as providing ample hand washing gel at all sinks for everyone to use. We will also be increasing how often surfaces are cleaned and therefore require antibacterial wipes and sprays at hand.

Flowers – We want our centre to be a beautiful inviting space and we love to add colour with some beautiful fresh flower bouquets for our visitors to enjoy during their time at The Calman centre.

We would be delighted to take a picture of any generous donations of the above items and share across our Cancer Support Scotland social media platforms to promote you or your businesses kindness.

*Please note all towels must be brand new, we cannot accept used items.

Raffle and Auction Prizes

We are always looking for raffle and auction prizes for our events. If you would like to donate a raffle prize, please get in touch with our fundraising team at

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