Making an impact 2021/22

The 2021/22 financial year has seen Cancer Support Scotland continue to play a vital role in improving the wellbeing of those affected by cancer across Scotland.

We delivered vital mental health and wellbeing services during a period of external uncertainty due to Covid-19 and the cost-of-living crisis.

Commenting on the impact made during 2021/22, CEO, Rob Murray said: “I am exceptionally proud of the work volunteers and staff have done to improve the wellbeing of those affected by cancer across Scotland.

“Through our hands on work across Scotland, we have seen the strain put on the NHS due to lack of investment and the global pandemic, resulting in some delays in diagnosis and increasing pressure on our colleagues within the NHS. This in turn breeds poor mental health for those trying to live well with Cancer.

“We understand the impact cancer has on the lives of people affected by cancer, this is why we offer free, individually tailored services delivered by our specially trained and experienced staff. We will build on our remarkable impact during 2021/22 to ensure we are helping people to live well with cancer.”

Read our full Impact Report for an overview of the 2021/22 financial year at Cancer Support Scotland.

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